

Our immune system protects against foreign substances and harmful microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi) that enter our body. The immune system can either directly destroy these foreign toxic substances or neutralize them by producing specific antibodies. In the case of deficiency or dysfunction of the elements that make up the immune system (e.g., cells, proteins), the fight against noxious substances invading our body weakens, and recurrent, severe infections may arise.

Immune disorders may produce symptoms in an early stage (starting from the neonatal period). In particular, individuals with severe, recurrent, and difficult-to-treat infections, development/growth retardation, recurrent sinusitis, pneumonia, ear infections, generalized skin infections, and those with a family history of immune disorders should consult a physician.

Another condition that is associated with impaired functioning of the immune system is allergy. Several symptoms may occur due to an abnormal response to foreign substances entering our body known as allergens. The severity of symptoms may vary from very mild or mild to life-threatening. Diseases occur in the organs that are affected by the allergic reaction.

Inhalation is not the only route of exposure to allergens. Dietary proteins found in our foods may also elicit allergic reactions. Currently, food allergies are the most important cause of anaphylaxis.

Information presented on this website is not intended to be a substitute for advice from your physician or pharmacist.

All content on the TRPharm website is intended for physicians and pharmacists for information purposes only. Information presented on this website is not a substitute for advice from a medical doctor or pharmacist. Consult a physician and/or a pharmacist for more information.

Rare Diseases

Diseases that affect a small percentage of people compared to the general population are known as rare diseases. Specific problems arise in these disorders due to their rare occurrence. While a disease can be rare in one region, it may be common in another.

There are thousands of rare diseases. To date, around 600-700,000 distinct rare diseases have been discovered and novel disorders are described in the medical literature.

While almost all genetic diseases are rare diseases, not all rare disease are genetic diseases.Individuals affected by these diseases face similar difficulties in their quest for a diagnosis, information and access to qualified professionals. Those affected by rare diseases are often psychologically, sociologically, economically and culturally vulnerable.

TRPharm will be with you in the treatment of cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, urea cycle defect, NAGS deficiency, organic acidemia, phenylketonuria and other rare diseases that it will include in its portfolio, each of which is encountered less than 1/50.000.

Information presented on this website is not intended to be a substitute for advice from your physician or pharmacist

All content on the TRPharm website is intended for physicians and pharmacists for information purposes only. Information presented on this website is not a substitute for advice from a medical doctor or pharmacist. Consult a physician and/or a pharmacist for more information.


Starting from the in-utero stage of life, a complex regulatory system controls the growth, maturation, proliferation, and death of each cell in the human body. Cancer results from the accumulation of genetic damage in these regulatory mechanisms at the cellular level, leading to the uncontrolled growth of dysfunctional or non-functional cells in a specific part of the body. While cancer may occur in any tissue and organ, and many different types of cancer can arise from the same tissue, all cancers share a common feature: uncontrolled, abnormal cell division.

TRPharm will always be with you in the fight against cancer and is actively involved in diagnosing and treating solid and hematologic tumors, including Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Kidney tumors, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Colorectal cancer, and Prostate cancer.

Information presented on this website is not intended to be a substitute for advice from your physician or pharmacist.

All content on the TRPharm website is intended for physicians and pharmacists for information purposes only. Information presented on this website is not a substitute for advice from a medical doctor or pharmacist. Consult a physician and/or a pharmacist for more information.


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